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Lucky Tiger Casino Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy

Welcome to Lucky Tiger Casino’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy. This document is designed to outline our commitment to preventing and mitigating the risks of money laundering and financial crimes within our online casino platform. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this comprehensive policy to understand our obligations, procedures, and your role in maintaining a secure gaming environment.

Policy Statement


Lucky Tiger Casino is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct. Our AML Policy is crafted to prevent the casino from being used as a conduit for money laundering or any other illegal activities.


We are committed to implementing effective measures, protocols, and ongoing due diligence processes to identify, assess, and mitigate any risks associated with money laundering.

Legal and Regulatory Framework


Lucky Tiger Casino adheres to all relevant international and local laws and regulations concerning AML and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT).

Regulatory Authorities

We cooperate fully with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies to ensure compliance with AML laws and regulations.

Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures

Identity Verification

Lucky Tiger Casino conducts robust identity verification procedures to ensure the accurate identification of our customers.

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

For high-risk customers or transactions, we implement enhanced due diligence measures to obtain additional information and monitor these relationships more closely.

Source of Funds Verification

In addition to identity verification, we scrutinize the source of funds for high-value transactions to ensure legitimacy.

Monitoring and Reporting

Transaction Monitoring

Lucky Tiger Casino employs advanced monitoring systems to detect and analyze unusual or suspicious patterns of activity.

Reporting Obligations

Our team is trained to recognize and report suspicious transactions promptly. We maintain open communication with relevant authorities as required.

Whistleblower Policy

To encourage a culture of compliance, we have a whistleblower policy that allows employees to report any concerns or suspicions anonymously.

Risk Assessment

Risk-Based Approach

We conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify and understand the potential risks of money laundering associated with our business activities.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Based on the risk assessment, we develop and implement effective risk mitigation strategies to address identified vulnerabilities.

Regular Risk Assessments

Our risk assessments are not static. We regularly reassess risks in light of evolving circumstances, ensuring our policies remain effective.

Employee Training and Awareness

Ongoing Training Programs

All employees undergo regular AML training programs to stay updated on the latest developments, regulations, and best practices in combating money laundering.

Role-Specific Training

Employees in key roles receive specialized training to enhance their understanding and ability to fulfill their AML responsibilities effectively.

Regular Refresher Courses

To ensure ongoing awareness, employees participate in regular refresher courses to reinforce AML policies and procedures.


Document Retention

Lucky Tiger Casino maintains accurate and up-to-date records in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Transaction Records

All financial transactions are meticulously recorded and stored securely.

Record Security Measures

In addition to retention, we employ robust security measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of our records.

AML Compliance Officer

Role and Responsibilities

We appoint a dedicated AML Compliance Officer to oversee the implementation of AML policies, conduct regular assessments, and ensure ongoing compliance.

Reporting Line

The AML Compliance Officer reports directly to senior management, ensuring independence and effectiveness in their role.

Regular Reporting to Authorities

In addition to internal reporting, the AML Compliance Officer ensures that necessary reports are submitted to regulatory authorities as required.

Communication and Training

Internal Communication

Regular communication channels are established to disseminate AML-related information and updates to all relevant staff.

External Communication

We engage with our customers and the public to raise awareness about our commitment to AML compliance and responsible gaming.

Community Education Initiatives

To contribute to a broader understanding of AML, we invest in community education initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of combating money laundering.

Policy Review and Updates

Periodic Reviews

Lucky Tiger Casino conducts periodic reviews of its AML Policy to assess its effectiveness and make necessary updates.


Any amendments to the AML Policy are communicated promptly to all relevant stakeholders.

Regular Consultations

We actively seek feedback from regulatory authorities, industry experts, and stakeholders to ensure our AML policies align with best practices.


Lucky Tiger Casino is dedicated to creating a safe and secure gaming environment for all our customers. Our AML Policy is a testament to our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our AML Policy, please contact our dedicated support team at [[email protected]]. Thank you for choosing Lucky Tiger Casino, where responsible gaming and integrity go hand in hand.